Audi dashboard with 3D reality head-up display

January 8, 2020, Audi, 1,327 views
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At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, USA, the German company presents two new head-up display technologies.

For the first time, Audi partnered with Samsung. This is a 3D reality head-up display of mixed reality installed on the dashboard.

The images are projected onto the windshield through lenses and mirrors.

A surveillance camera detects the position of the eyes and then guides the pixels in different directions so that they reach the exact eye.

The images appear to fluctuate about 8 to 10 meters away, making driving easier and navigation more realistic.

In the second technology, the windshield turns into a huge screen. Its height is 15 cm and width 122. It can also be extended up to 25.5 cm, allowing passengers to enjoy the experience in 16: 9 format on a 21-inch screen.

The OLED screen works with a touch pad, which is transparent and located on the center console.